segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2011

Entrevista/Interview - Fred Coury

Tem gente reclamando que eu não posto quase nada do Fred... Então vou postar aqui uma entrevista que encontrei na net, de setembro de 2004, para o site

There is some people complaining that I don't post anything about Fred... So I'll post,  here an interview that I found on internet, made in September/2004, to

Hay gente que se queja que no pongo casi nada de Fred... Entonces voy a poner aquí una entrevista que encontré en la internet, de septiembre de 2004, para el sitio

Cinderella Drummer Fred CouryInterview by Keith McDonald

It's been some time since we've seen Cinderella hit the road or even heard any new material. I think fans were beginning to wonder if they were ever going to tour again. Tom Keifer has been working on his solo album while Eric and Jeff tour with the Naked Beggars. I figured I'd catch up with drummer Fred Coury and get the update on the band and what's been going on since the hiatus.

What have you been up to since Cinderella stopped touring?
I've been doing a lot of Producing, Mixing and remixing for Cleopatra records. I have also released EFFCEE (solo record) You can find it on AMAZON.COM. It's electro-clash. Also, I've been acting in a few movies.

Why has there been such a long break?
We've been doing this for a long time - everyone is into their own things, so as soon as we're all done, we'll be back.

What ever happened with the album you were recording for Portrait / Columbia Records?
Who knows?

What happened with that label? They dropped all their hard rock bands.
Does that label still exist?

Do you think producing bands is something you may want to do full-time after your career as a drummer ends?
I really love producing.

What is the status of Cinderella?

What made you become a drummer?

What do you think you'd be doing right now if you hadn't become the drummer for Cinderella and had the success you've had so far?
Whatever God wanted me to do.

Were you surprised that Cinderella broke so quickly when you released Night Songs?

What was your favorite tour and why? Were there any bad tours?
I feel so privileged to tour at all, so every tour.

When will we see you and Cinderella hit the road and tour?
Hopefully next year.

How was the experience of Arcade and working with Stephen Pearcy?
Great - Stephen is family.

Why did the band last for only 2 albums and tours? You did have a certain amount of success.
Timing - rock was dead.

What made you decide to rejoin Cinderella after Arcade?
Cinderella is the band I grew up with. I was 19 years old when I joined and everyone is so pro. It's a different level.

How much has the hard rock and metal scene changed since you broke onto it in the 80's?
Everyone has wrinkles now.

How did you end up joining Cinderella?
Auditioned and blessed.

Who would you consider your drumming influences?
Everyone and everything.

What lies ahead for you?
The sky's the limit. Who knows? More movies, more records?


Eu queria saber o que vocês acharam dessa ... incrível... entrevista...

I'd like to know what you think about this... aweasome... interiew...

Me gustaría saber lo que piensan de esta... increíble... entrevista

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